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Apple® iPhone® 15
Free two-day shipping | 5G Compatible
Supports CREDO's donations to progressive nonprofits
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$ / mo.Installment Plan
$No Contract Plan
With our installment plan, device payments are spread across 24 monthly payments.
With our no contract plan, you pay for your device as you checkout.
With Device Protection Plan featuring AppleCare Services, there’s no need to worry if something happens to your device. If your device is lost, stolen, accidentally damaged, or experiences a malfunction you can repair or replace it for a non-refundable deductible, which varies based on the original retail price of your device and your fulfillment method. With Device Protection Plan featuring AppleCare Services, you will get service and support directly from Apple for accidental damage from handling and hardware malfunction. The plan also includes protection from loss and theft. For more details, see the complete terms and conditions, including all fees.
You have 60 days from the date of purchase to add AppleCare device protection. We highly recommend you add a Device Protection plan for your device. By selecting “No Device Protection Plan,” if your device is lost, stolen, damaged you could have to pay its full replacement cost. You may cancel the protection plan at any time.
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Free Two Day Shipping
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