Every Vote Counts
Plans start at $20 per month
Use code VOTE1524 and take
$15 off your bill for 24 months.
And CREDO Mobile will donate
$50 to Vote.org - providing tools
to help voters
bring a device to CREDO Mobile
Every Vote Counts
Take $250 off the price of any
smartphone when you use code
And CREDO will donate $50 to
Vote.org - making voting more
accessible to all Americans
24 month financing agreement
Every Vote Counts
Take $100 off the price of any
smartphone when you use code
And CREDO will donate $50 to
Vote.org - making voting more
accessible to all Americans
24 month financing agreement adding a
line of service
Friends don't let friends use Big Telecom
Get a $100 bill credit when you refer a friend to CREDO Mobile.
Better for all people and the planet
Most companies go into business to make money. Over 35 years ago, we went into business to make change. Since 1985, CREDO has donated over $95 million to progressive groups working for social change.
When you join CREDO Mobile, you get all you want from a phone company. You get the nation’s top-rated network, competitive plans, great deals on new phones and friendly, responsive customer service.
And you get much more. You get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world. Join us and, just by using your phone, you’ll generate vital donations for progressive nonprofits fighting for the causes you care about, like the climate, women’s rights and economic equality.
These donations cost you nothing extra. But they mean everything to the nonprofits we support, like March for Our Lives, Planned Parenthood, Friends of the Earth and the Transgender Law Center. Since 1985, we’ve raised over $95 million for these groups and many others.
The nation’s largest 4G network and the most reliable 5G network
Good news,
you’re covered!
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The ZIP code you entered may not have coverage. CREDO Mobile is on the best nationwide network, so you may still have good service. Check for yourself with our easy 30-day return period.
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Vote For This
Here at CREDO, we empower our customers to become philanthropists. That’s because simply by paying their phone bill, every CREDO member creates positive change at no extra cost.
Each month, our members help us distribute funds to incredible nonprofit organizations. You, too, can have a say by voting for one, two, or all three nonprofit groups today!
Economic Justice
Economic inequality is a threat to working families everywhere. That’s why we fight for a living wage and for expansion of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.Voting Rights
The right to vote needs to be carefully guarded, now more than ever. CREDO is working to protect and expand the right to vote and defend voters against discriminatory and racist voter-suppression laws.Climate Justice
Climate change is a threat to our very existence on Earth. We continue to fight for climate justice, from stopping fossil fuel infrastructure to holding corporations accountable for destructive acts.Civil Rights
The fight for civil rights is not over. From supporting activists on the ground to working with innovative, progressive groups, CREDO is fighting for the rights of those who are discriminated against based on their race, religion, sexual orientation or gender.Womens Rights
Women’s freedom and equality is under constant attack. At CREDO, we fight for women’s rights, reproductive freedom, equal pay in the workplace and the empowerment of women.Peace
CREDO has been a longtime supporter of groups that work with refugees in the worst war zones on Earth, and we will continue fighting to stop wars of aggression and working to promote peace.The Latest from
CREDO Mobile
The CREDO Blog keeps you up to date with all that is going on at CREDO. Read about recent activism victories, learn about opportunities to make progressive change, discover special deals and much more.